Be Confident in Who you Are (Part II)

Quoted from the book “Be confiden in who you are” wroted by Annie Fox: Pretty much everybody worries a little about what other people think. Wondering if what you’re doing is okay with the people around you makes it hard to relax. If you spend lots of time trying to be someone you’re not-or tryingContinue reading “Be Confident in Who you Are (Part II)”

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger

What learned about investment and life from Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger were from these quotes, notes and ideas. I noted it here and wishing you all find them helpful. Investment Lessons Book value simply records what was put into the business. The key to calculate value is determining what will come out of theContinue reading “Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger”

Mental Toughness ( Part II )

There were an some ideas noted in the first part. I would like to continue with this chapter regarding on mental toughness. These are quoted from “On Mental Toughness” by Harvard Business Review. Crucibles of Leadership What enables one leader to inspire confidence, loyalty, and hard work, while others-with equal vision and intelligence-stumble? How individualsContinue reading “Mental Toughness ( Part II )”

Mental Toughness ( Part I )

If you haven’t read the book “On Mental Toughness” from Hardvard Business Review, I would like to recommend the book to you. With that book, I learnt a lot for many good thoughts and lessons. These following thoughts are from the book “On Mental Toughness” which I hope you find them help. How the BestContinue reading “Mental Toughness ( Part I )”

Becoming a Winner & Your Passion

We go to work. We do a business. We make a deal. Doing that sometimes we distracted by the thing called “competition”. Sometimes I felt the earth is big but while my heart is small. Is it because I am selfish in my thoughts or my actions? Indeed, we don’t need to compete to haveContinue reading “Becoming a Winner & Your Passion”

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